
Friday, May 24, 2013

Life: The Game

Things have been better for me in the last couple of weeks. It took time but I've come out of the dark and find myself enjoying the shadows. My wife and dog have a lot to do with me doing better mentally.

Today is my son's 18th birthday. Even though facebook seems to think he is older than that. Happy Birthday Russ! Daddy loves you!

Tomorrow I plan to ride up to Montgomery to spend the day with him. This will be my longest ride on the Harley so far. I'm looking forward to it. I'm thinking three hours up and three hours back on my own will give me plenty of head clearing time. Hope my old ass can handle it.

I'm still enjoying Neverwinter and I'm still amazed at all it offers considering it is a FREE game. Blog stuff here.

My dog, Irdin Silverbow, is growing so fast! And yes, that is his name. In the picture below you can see how big he was on April 6th 2013 and then on May 18th 2013.

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