
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Not Quite As Dark

A mental health update for you. While my days aren't filled with kittens and rainbows they aren't as dark as they were a week ago. I think that finally having my brother's ashes placed at the cemetery has something to do with this. He passed in August 2012 and we just now were able to get the stone in and the ashes placed. By coincidence the stone and ashes were ready the same weekend my mother was coming down to visit. My mother, wife and I were present when the funeral home put the stone in place. I think seeing my mother helped some too.

I'm still dealing with daily depression and the occasional unexplained anger. Luckily the anger spells pass quickly and I realize what is happening well enough to avoid conflict with others.

I've had some numbness issues on the left side of my face and I'm constantly worried that I'll wake up with a non-responsive face due to another Bell's Palsy attack. That was no fun the first time it happened and I really don't want to experience that again.

Luckily for me I have a wife, three cats and a dog at home that are always happy to see me and that helps me keep myself together.

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