
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Points of Interest

If you are just now finding me you may wonder what my points of interest are.
Honestly, there are too many to list them all and my whims seem to change with the wind.

Follow the jump below for a list of things we may have in common.

Anything Geek - Really, it doesn't matter. If it says Geek to you then odds are I'm interested.
Aviation - Will I ever get my pilot's license? I don't know but I still love the idea of flight.
Cats - My wife and I have three cats.
Dogs - My wife and I have a Siberian Husky
Doctor Who - I shouldn't have to explain.
Gaming - MMOs, RPGs, Shooters, etc... Not big on sports games and I mostly game on a PC.
Magic - Not the Gathering.
Motorcycles - Particularly Harley-Davidson as that is what I ride. 2007 FLHTCUSE2
Reading - Biographies, horror, sci-fi and fantasy tend to lead my list of reads.
TV and Movies - Same as my reading list.

More to come.

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